The fees of comburger are going to be changed from November 7th, 2022!

Dear comburger fans

Thank you so much for your continuous support always!!!I can’t thank you enough!!! 

I have to inform you that the fees will be changed due to the rising cost of things such as raw materials and light and fuel expenses in Japan. As of Nov 7th, 2022, I will charge you at the new prices. The details are listed below!!

Current feeFrom 7th of Nov, 2022
Morning class (10:30AM-1PM) Evening class (6PM-8:30PM)8,650JPY9,960JPY
Optional tour after lunch (1PM-3PM)3,980JPY4,560JPY
Alcohol / person  (beer or sake)500JPY500JPY

I know it sucks. But comburger will continue to be the world best cooking class in the future with no doubt!!! Thank you so much for your understanding!!! 


Hope I can see you in Tokyo soon!!!

I got this certificate from TripAdvisor right before Tokyo Olympic game, 2020. It’s not that I forgot posting this photo. At that time, Covid was extremely serious in Tokyo, so no international tourist could enter Japan, that’s why I hadn’t felt like posting anything on my Instagram page. Lately, my class has slowly regained energy and I decided to post the photo. I’m so proud of myself getting this certificate and I’m so proud that so many beautiful travelers were so brave to choose my class and became the repeaters! I really can’t thank all of you! You are my love and true meaning to live my life. You don’t know how much I love you and miss you!!! Let’s cook together again soon! I can’t wait! Again, thank you so much for your kindness and support!


I miss all of you!!! You can come to Tokyo soon!!! Let’s cook together!!! Can’t wait!!!

always wiz love❤️


It is comburger’s 6th birthday today:-)

Dear comburger’s fans

I hope all of you are having a lovey time in the beginning of 2022!!! Actually, it is comburger’s 6th birthday today!!! Without your love and support, comburger couldn’t have been so popular!!! I can’t thank you enough!!!

During this pandemic, I haven’t done many classes, but I’ve received so many lovely messages from all over the world(You guys always make me cry and cheer me up! I can’t thank you enough!!!) In addition, lately, I’ve used my time more for baking which I’ve really wanted to master for a long time!!! Besides, I’ve studied wine lately!

I hope the gate of Japan will open for all of you and you will come back to my class this year!!! I pray everyday!!! Until we meet again, please take care of yourself!!! You don’t know how much I love you and miss you!!!

Have a fantastic new year with super yummy food and love!!!

sato:-) loves you and misses you so much!!!

First of all, thank you so much for your support and love. I can’t thank you enough. This year, unbelievable thing happened to all over the world and that confused us a lot. I prepared a lot for many new guests this year, however I had to accept so many cancellations. It was super-duper hard!!! Lol! But during that time, I’ve received so many beautiful messages from so many of you!!! OMG!!! You don’t know how much I was encouraged by you!!!! Besides, your messages have made me realized how much I have been loved and how much I love to cook with you guys!!! I hope that everything will be getting back as normal soon and all of you guys will be coming back to my class. I always pray!!!

Again, thank you so much for your love!!! May your life be always fulfilled with Happiness and Yummy food in 2021!!! Stay safe and love yourself!!! I love and miss you so much!!!

Massive love from sato:-) 2020:-)